REAPR: realignment for prediction of structural non-coding RNA

Results and Data

The REAPR results, including our high-confidence predictions, and supplemental data are available for download as one comprehensive zip archive or as single files as listed below:

Original Whole Genome Alignment

We provide the original whole genome alignment used in this study. We obtained the WGA from, following the citation of this URL in Rose et al.1 However, this mirror no longer works, nor could we find alternative working mirrors.

1 Rose, D., Hackermuller, J., Washietl, S., Reiche, K., Hertel, J., Findeiss, S., Stadler, P. F., and Prohaska, S. J., 2007. Computational RNomics of Drosophilids. BMC Genomics, 8:406.