REAPR: realignment for prediction of structural non-coding RNA
Results and Data
The REAPR results, including our high-confidence predictions, and
supplemental data are available for download as
comprehensive zip archive or as
single files as listed below:
- High-confidence predictions in Drosophila melanogaster of REAPR,
REAPR controls, RNAz, and EvoFold; dm2 coordinates
- REAPR Delta 5, structure-based realignment within deviation 5 [reapr5_dm2.bed]
- REAPR Delta 10, structure-based realignment within deviation 10 [reapr10_dm2.bed]
- REAPR Delta 20, structure-based realignment within deviation 20 [reapr20_dm2.bed]
- REAPR Initial, predictions from initial alignment without realignment [intial_dm2.bed]
- REAPR Muscle, predicitons after realignment with Muscle [muscle_dm2.bed]
- RNAz, RNAz 1.0 screen by Rose et al. [rnaz_dm2.bed]
- EvoFold, EvoFold screen by Stark et al. (long and short predictions) [evofold_dm2.bed]
- High-confidence predictions in Homo sapiens ENCODE regions of REAPR, RNAz, EvoFold, and CMfinder; hg18 coordinates
- Table of all loci with RNAz scores and q-values in fly
- Table of all loci with RNAz scores and q-values in ENCODE
- REAPR Delta 20, structure-based realignment within deviation 20 []
- REAPR Initial, predictions from initial alignment without realignment []
- REAPR Muscle, predicitons after realignment with Muscle []
- Drosophila Phylogeny
We provide cooccurrences in high-confidence predictions and
background cooccurrences in D. melanogaster by REAPR (Delta
20) for all pairs of fly species. In the following matrices, the
columns and rows are labeled in alphabetical order of the 12 fly
species names.
The R-script phylogeny.R
produces a Drosophila phylogeny from the above matrices.
Furthermore, we report occurrences in high-confidence predictions and background.
- Embryonic Developmental Time Course analysis
- REAPR (Delta 20) predictions with transcription >= 100 and transcription profile [pdf] [table]
- REAPR (Delta 20) predictions with transcription >= 200 and transcription profile [pdf] [table]
- REAPR (Delta 20) predictions with transcription >= 400 and transcription profile [pdf] [table]
- REAPR (Delta 20) predictions with transcription >= 1000 and transcription profile [pdf] [table]
The pdfs are created from the tab files with the R-script profile.R.
- Annotations
We provide the cleaned annotation sets
for D. melanogaster that are used in the paper. All
coordinates have been lifted to dm2.
Original Whole Genome Alignment
We provide the
original whole genome
alignment used in this study. We obtained the WGA from, following the
citation of this URL in Rose et al.
1 However, this mirror
no longer works, nor could we find alternative working mirrors.
1 Rose, D., Hackermuller, J., Washietl, S., Reiche, K.,
Hertel, J., Findeiss, S., Stadler, P. F., and Prohaska, S. J.,
2007. Computational RNomics of Drosophilids.
BMC Genomics, 8:406.