This directory contains files of possible splice SNVs in Dig format * grch37.spliceAI_CANONICAL.txt.gz: canonical splice sites based on genocode v24 basic transcripts * grch37.spliceAI_CRYPTIC.txt.gz: cryptic splice sites with delta score >0.2 * grch37.spliceAI_CRYPTIC.noncoding.txt.gz: cryptic splice sites with delta score >0.2 not overlapping any coding sequence of gencode v24 basic transcripts. * grch37.spliceAI_CRYPTIC.coding.txt.gz: cryptic splice sites with delta score >0.2 occuring within the coding sequence of the gencode canonical transcript. If you want to read these files with column names: $ python >>> from DIGDriver.data_tools import mutation_tools >>> sites = mutation_tools.read_mutation_file() The directory "with_delta_scores/" contains files that include two extra columns with the delta score and distance to nearest exon boundary for each SNV.