massachusetts institute of technology (mit)
computer science and artificial intelligence laboratory (csail)
theory of computation group (toc)

computation and biology group (compbio)

email queries bab@mit.edu, erb90@mit.edu

HapTree is a polyploid haplotype assembly tool based on a statistical framework.

HapTree v1.0 (to be run on real diploid data) is available as an executable for Unix and MAC at this time.

MAC: HapTree v1.0

Unix: HapTree v1.0

Examples files for 454 and Illumina, a README, and an optional scoring executable (Unix, MAC) are available for download.

HapTree v0.1 is available as an executable for Unix and MAC at this time:

MAC: HapTree v0.1

Unix: HapTree v0.1

Example files, a README, and an optional scoring executable (Unix, MAC) are available for download.

For questions, please contact bab at mit dot edu.

External Links:


SamTools and VCF format